Download ready-to-use materials below to launch your Census movement. Check back regularly as new materials—both created by Art+Action and from partner organizations—in multiple languages are continuously added.
Send us your Census assets, and we’ll add them to the toolkit to share with your neighbors near and far.
For customized COME TO YOUR CENSUS assets to personalize your call-to-action for your state, city, school, business, or family, fill out this Google Form, or send requests to hello@artandaction.us. COME TO YOUR CENSUS, BROOKLYN / DOLORES HUERTA ELEMENTARY SCHOOL / SAFEWAY / DAD!
Join us to ignite our communities to ensure they receive their fair share of resources and political representation for the next ten years!
Most are 11 x 17 so anyone who has access to a printer or copy machine should be good to go!
Print these out in any size, or go pro and send them to a printing company
Social Media Pics, Memes, and GIFS
From serious to funny – we love to laugh on all the socials
Offering social media captions, data, and talking points as you spread the Census gospel!
Specially-commissioned by us, just for you
PRINT and put up around your neighborhood, school, business, or home.
POST on your social media channels: Instagram, Facebook, Twitter, WeChat, TikTok, Snapchat, Triller—everywhere! Choose a Caption from our ‘One-Sheeters + Factoids’ and add it below your post.
Use one or more of the following #hashtags and tag us, so we can discover YOUR Census movement:
• #ComeToYourCensus
• #2020census
• #SFCounts
• #ICameToMyCensus
• @artandaction.us
You’ll need:
An internet-enabled computer or tablet set to 2020Census.gov
Signage that lets people know they should COME TO YOUR CENSUS at your location, which you can download HERE
Let OCEIA know you’ll be hosting a 2020 Census hub—and if you’ll be offering any in-person or multilingual translation support, so they can feature you on the San Francisco Census Help Center map
Fired Up to Create Even More 2020 Census Materials?
Hold Your Own Census Create-A-Thon:
Whether you’re a professional creative, a hard-to-count community advocate, a student activist, or just fired up about Census, this 10-week plan from Art+Action’s Coalition Partner the Census Open Innovation Labs, will get you on your way to hosting a Create-a-Thon in your own community to generate even more materials to ignite everyone around the 2020 Census.
Browse Other Census Toolkits + Resources for More!
Let’s build the movement. Reach out to learn more about being a part of the Art+Action Coalition as a Partner, Member, or Volunteer.